Saturday, November 23, 2013

ABC's of Thanksgiving: Letter W

I am thankful for my Grandma and Grandpa "W"right. I grew up living next door to my grandparents and it was a blessing. My Grandpa died when I was 10. It was devastating to lose someone who I saw everyday and was such a big part of my life. I'm glad we lived next to Grandma and were able to help her and keep her company for the 20 years she lived without him. It was like having a second Mom. I have to admit we didn't always see eye to eye and she wasn't afraid of telling me or anyone else what she thought. I sure loved her anyway.

I am grateful for the opportunity we had to take care of her the last few years of her life. It really brought Susan and our families together and helped us form the closeness and love we have for each other today. My grandparents taught me the importance of service and helping others. They were both great examples of that. They both lived what they taught and that was a great lesson for me. It's easy to talk the talk but walking the walk is harder to do. But they did that in every aspect of their lives.

I think about what advice my Grandma Ila would have for me today and I cry. I know she would be my biggest supporter. I would get her life is hard lecture, but it would be accompanied by total love, support, and compassion. Boy do I miss them. 

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