Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day #6 - Our Adventure

Stick Pull

Today was the day of the pageant. We slept in a little later and then went over to Nauvoo. It was a beautiful day with cloudy skies. It was in the 90's and the humidity was really high. We had sweat pouring off of us, as did everyone else. We felt bad for those wearing the costumes.
Saw cutting & Branding
Gunny Sacks
We went to some of the shops and picked up a few things we wanted, but hadn't bought before. We got us a Christmas ornament and a few other things. I had an epiphany in the store. I was reading a plaque that said, "Someday everything will make perfect sense...someday." I turned around and there was a picture of Emma and Joseph. No one went through more trials as a couple than them and she stood by him every step of the way. I may have treated wounds on Kyle I never thought I could touch, but Emma pulled tar and feathers off of Joseph and who knows what else. What Kyle and I have gone through doesn't compare to what they did. Joseph and Emma are my new idols. I bought a keychain and a little statue of the two of them to remind me when times get hard for us, Emma and Joseph made it through worse.
At the burying grounds
Burying Grounds
We went to the Nauvoo Hotel for dinner and the buffet was delicious. We really enjoyed it. We had a little time so we drove up to the old Nauvoo burying grounds. There was such a special feeling there. There are a lot of the monuments we couldn't even read, while there were other markers that were new, as ancestors had put them in to honor their families. It was a special place. We passed a guy in the area who told us he rarely sees anyone up there and wondered how we knew about it. It's right on the map they hand out.
We went down to the County Fair they hold before the pageant. They have a lot of the old games and activities done in the days of the pioneers that you can participate in: stick pulling, dancing, rag tying, quilting, log cutting, hoop spinning, gunny sack races, and more. 
Right before the pageant
The pageant was really good. They did a really excellent job. I'm glad we stayed to see it. They basically showed the development and the exodus of Nauvoo after Joseph Smith was murdered. They showed the building of the temple and formation of Relief Society. It was very well done and we enjoyed it very much.
In this picture those in white/glowing have passed on.
It was kind of freaky.

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