Friday, July 5, 2013

Day #2 - Our Adventure

Today we got up and finished our drive to the Nauvoo area. We went to Nauvoo before finding our hotel. Everything was closed up, but we drove around and followed the "Trail of Hope" and read all of the plaques. Wow, there aren't words for me to describe how reading the words of those who lived through the exodus that February made me feel. here are just a couple of the plaques along the trail.
We saw the flatboat replica that carried the wagons across the river. Kyle climbed up on the wagon to get a feel of how it would have felt to drive the wagon. We looked at the monument showing the names of those who died crossing the plains. We saw little Peter's name. It is spelled wrong. I forgot that from our visit before. He died when he fell from the seat of the wagon and was run over by the wheels. Unfortunately we didn't know what names to look for from Kyle's family.

We have to wonder if this was named after Kyle's family

1 comment:

Marlee Anderson said...

We miss you but it looks like you're having a great time :)