Friday, March 5, 2010

A New Resolve

I realized something sad today and it is that I have started to expect things to go wrong. Kyle has received a job offer from a company in Ogden. It's a new home health care company that is just starting up and it will be a few weeks before they are ready for him. This will be a great job for him and it is the type of thing that I can see him being very successful doing. It is more money and it is closer to home and I am thrilled beyond words for Kyle. The problem is that in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I shouldn't get my hopes up about it because it really isn't going to work out. I hear myself thinking that it's a startup company so maybe they won't get things off the ground, or this or that could happen. When did I become this negative and pessimistic person? I don't like what I am feeling and I am making a new resolve starting this very minute to get rid of these negative thoughts and start to expect things to go well from now on. So now I just have one problem and that is that I have no idea how to do that. Any ideas???

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I haven't learned how to keep negative thoughts from coming to knock at my door, but I have learned some ways that keep me from offering them a chair and a glass of lemonade.

Here are some things that work for me:

Singing a hymn

Remembering a particularly joyful or funny memory--in detail, what was said, how I felt, who was there, etc., etc. (this one probably works best for me--it changes the course that my mind is on, and so the negative thought fades into the background and is forgotten)

Consciously trying to look at the situation that is causing the thought from another point of view

Good luck, and Congratulations to Kyle!