Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Home and Happy

I got Kyle home last night about 9:00.  He is doing really well so far.  Dr. Mattsson told me the pain would be excruciating because of all the damage he fixed and the extra incisions he ended up making.  But so far Kyle has never rated his pain above a 4.  He went 9 hours last night without a pain pill and handled it fine.  I think my guy has a really high tolerance for pain.  With all the damage that was in his knee and the large bone fragment that was in there Dr. Mattsson said he should have been having a lot of pain in his knee for sometime now, but Kyle said it really hasn't hurt that bad.  He's had leg problems his whole life so I wonder if he just got used to the pain or something.  He's walking really well and so far is doing great.  I'm sure today and tomorrow will be worse as the couple of days after surgery usually are.  Let's hope his blood sugar is down this morning when he gets up and going.  Luckily I have an amazing Mom who is taking care of him so I can work. 

1 comment:

Mindy M. said...

Hope things start looking up for you two. It seems like there has been one thing after another. Hey, Dr. Mattson took care of Kenzie when she broke her leg playing kick-the-can in3rd grade. Good doctor! Hope he is on the mend soon!!