We spent the weekend in Wellsville. We had a BBQ on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day, Marlee's Birthday, and Tyler's Birthday. Mom was all freaked out about the cleanliness of the house so we spent Saturday cleaning.

Kyle worked outside with Dad for awhile and then came in and whipped the kitchen into shape. My man can clean like no other. It's a wonderful benefit for me. We ended up doing a major in depth cleaning of the main area. Mom disappeared to clean her bathroom and when we checked awhile later to see where she was she had torn her closet apart. She was still putting that back together when I went to bed about midnight.

I think she may have a touch of ADHD. Speaking of which watching Marijka clean is pretty comical. Her ADHD totally kicks in. I was watching her clean the blinds and then she was distracted by the dust on the lamp and moved over and cleaned it off. Then moved to the bookshelf, remembered what she was doing and was back to the blinds, and then the next thing I knew she was outside cleaning the windows because she noticed they were dirty while cleaning the blinds. She got a lot done, but it was entertaining. And it brought to mind this comic my sister-in-law was teasing my mother-in-law with on Facebook. Although it's not totally accurate because Marijka usually ends up with quite a bit to show for it.

We ended up having a nice BBQ to celebrate Mother's Day, and Marlee's and Tyler's birthdays. The weather was perfect. Part of the Petersen clan was there, and Grandma Pauline. It's always fun to have Em's girls around. They are all so cute. Ella has the biggest blue eyes and cutest smile. I could just snuggle her forever, but she's too busy to stand for much of that. Sweet Gracie on the other hand will snuggle right up with me and give me loves. Brooklyn is always good for a snuggle too as long
as it involves her getting her hands on my phone or ipad :) I sure love those girls. Nat's family was in South Carolina for Greg's brother Mike's wedding so we missed them. It was was good to spend some time with Brian and Sher. I can't believe Susan and Craig are really going through with moving to China. I think we are all still in some denial about that.

I think it has made the time we've spent together lately a little sweeter because we know before long will be separated for awhile. It's hard to imagine Susan and Craig living in China. It's just so far away. I'm sure it will be a great adventure for them, but it will be hard for everyone left behind and them too.
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