Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Infections and More Infections

I now have thrush and a yeast infection in my mouth to go along with the staff infection I'm working on getting over. The doctor said they have probably gone down my throat which would explain the sore throat, hoarse voice and uncontrollable coughing (to the point of throwing up several times) the past few nights. Also Kyle has new sores and infection in his non-broken foot so he is wearing the boot on one foot and a surgical shoe on the other. We've spent more money on prescriptions for the 2 of us in the last month than most families probably do in a year. Wouldn't you think at some point in the past 3 years the health issues would have at least slowed down?

The hole from the staff infection in my leg.

In this one you can see a small amount of the bruising
 from the pressure they used to drain the infection.

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