Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Garage Sale for American Cancer Society

Each Summer, our family participates in the Relay for Life which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. We do this in honor of Janalee who has survived cancer and our other family members who passed away from cancer. We're getting a jump-start on our fundraising this year and having a garage sale this Saturday. ALL proceeds will be donated to the ACS through our Relay team. If you have anything you would like to donate to our garage sale (and live within a reasonable distance), please let us know and we will get it from you.  We have a truck and trailer so anything that will fit on them we will be glad to take to sell. 

If you have nothing to donate to sell but would like to check out what we are selling it will be held from 8 am-12 pm at 264 East Main, Wellsville, Utah.

We are still going to be collecting donations for our auction at the actual relay so you if have any goods or services to donate for that let me know and I'll pick it up.  The items donated last year were awesome and helped us immensely.  Gift certificates and homemade craft items were the favorites.

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