Monday, April 25, 2011

Looking for the Blessings

I was reading on another blog today that was saying hard things either make you cling or crumble. Trials make you bitter or beautiful.  I've been trying really hard this past couple of years not to crumble or be bitter about things.  And it is HARD.  When my mind starts the "why us" train of thought I have to consciously change the direction my thoughts are headed.  The truth is that for a long time for every trial we have gone through I could come up with a reason why it was a blessing.  I wish I had written more things down because looking back the past 18 months or so are pretty much a blur and I probably can't tell you what those blessing were.  I realized today though that somewhere in the past few months I just quit looking for the good in situations and began to count them as one more thing to endure.  It's time to pull it together and get back on track.  Yes things have been hard for me and Kyle, but we have faced the trials together and we are still together and in this day and age that fact is the biggest blessing of all. 

*On another note.  After more than  10 weeks of antibiotics Kyle's foot is still infected and very swollen.  The option we have now is to put him on a strong antibiotic that is not in any way good for his already damaged kidneys.  There really isn't another option so please pray with us that this antibiotic clears up the infection quickly without doing any more kidney damage.  Thanks everyone for your love and prayers!


Natalie said...

I loved the cling/crumble or bitter/beautiful line. Greg and I were talking just last night about the trials we've faced in the past year and how grateful we are that we made it through together. We feel so much stronger now and can't imagine how we would be if we hadn't had the chance to learn and grow from them.

I love your positive attitude and will pray for your little family and for Kyle's foot. Love you!

Emily M said...

I also love your positive attitude and getting "back on track"