Saturday, June 30, 2012

Relay for Robert, Alayna and all the others

Once again this year, we are helping save lives from cancer by taking part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, and I'm hoping you will support us. This year the Relay is July 15-16 at Elk Ridge Park in North Logan. This year Kyle and I are dedicating our walking to my Uncle Robert who is battling bladder cancer.  He is doing well and we are expecting him to beat this disease.

Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer, but it seems that we all know someone who has personally battled this disease. Just a few weeks ago I lost my friend Tish Reynolds after she fought a valiant 8 year battle against this horrible disease.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is more than just an event to Kyle and I. It is our personal opportunity to help save lives from cancer by supporting the American Cancer Society.

My family originally started participating after the Petersen's lost Vone and then Claude to cancer.  Since that time my sister Janalee and best friend Britney have both become survivors of thyroid cancer and my Grandpa Farrell suffered from prostate cancer which contributed to his death.  My friend Karen is a survivor and my friend Alayna is currently battling brain cancer and just had a 2nd tumor removed. Kyle's aunt Peggy and Grandma Willis were also victims of this horrible disease.  Craig's brother Bruce is currently fighting against cancer.  Unfortunately these are just a few of our friends and family who are winning or have lost the fight to this disease.

It's horrifying to think that millions of people will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Somebody close to us may be one of them.
I know times are hard right now financially. They are for us as well, but if there is any way you can please support our efforts by making even a small donation it will make a difference. Together, we have the power to help create a world where cancer can no longer claim another year of anyone's life.  Kyle's and my goal is to raise $100 each, hopefully more.  It seems to becomes a competition to see which of us can raise the most.  If you would like to donate you can do it on either of our web pages. 

My Page:
Kyle's Page:

If you feel more comfortable you are welcome to mail a donation to us at:  4365 S. 3080 E., Salt Lake City, UT  84124.

We are also looking for donations of merchandise or services for the bucket auction we hold during the relay.  Last year we were able to raise quite a bit of money with it.  Your business name will be on a sign hung next to the track.  Any craft, service, gift certificate, promotional item, etc. is a great addition.

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