Friday, June 29, 2012

All By Myself

I am home all by myself. As in there is not one other human or dog in the house and won't be until tomorrow night. I couldn't be happier about it. I don't remember the last time I had 24 hours by myself. I almost forgot what total silence was like. Being alone has never been a problem for me. I love to have time to myself and it so rarely happens anymore.  Back in my single days I even use to go to the cabin in Bear Lake for a weekend alone, especially if I was having a hard time with something.

There are those of you who are currently thinking I am crazy. Unless you are someone who is comfortable being alone you will never understand what I am talking about. Kyle is one such person. He doesn't get it, and I have come to realize I can try to explain it in a million ways and he never will. He is the type of person who likes to have people around him. He doesn't necessarily want to interact with them, he just likes someone around. I on the other hand am antisocial and have no problem with it. I love Kyle to death, but I can survive for a night or two without him. If he is away from me he acts like it is a huge tragedy. I don't think he appreciates it when I tell him that I really love him, but I think he will live for a day or two without my amazing presence. I know I'm wonderful and everything, but it's not the end of the world. I certainly think it is very important to do things together as a couple, but I also have no problem with dividing and conquering. If there are conflicting activities in our families or one of us has the opportunity to go do something fun and the other can't make it, I think going alone is just fine.

This "me time" came at a good time because it has been a long week and I had a really crappy day and somewhat of a meltdown on the phone with my Mom earlier. So it's good there wasn't anyone here who had to deal with me. After our phone call I discovered a great deal on Defense flavored Vitamin Water and it went a long way to helping me recover my composure. Someone brought a case of it to Deer Camp last October. Thank you to whoever that was. I finally found something I could enjoy drinking that wasn't carbonated or chocolate milk and I have been looking for somewhere that sells it by the case ever since. The Defense flavor is hard to find, which I don't understand because it is by far the best flavor (and I have tried them all),  Finding a case of it has been impossible until today. Not only did I discover cases of it tonight at Harmon's, but it was on sell for $.50 a bottle. Best deal ever!!!  Interesting how something that is actually really insignificant could make such a difference in my mood.

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