Friday, April 24, 2009

Lunch Hour Adventure

Today during my lunch hour I picked up the dogs after they were done being groomed to run them home. After I picked them up I realized I didn't have enough gas to get home so I pulled into Sam's Club to fill up my car. As I was pulling in I was prompted to remember to grab the car keys in case the dogs stepped on the lock and locked the car. After pulling up to the gas pump the first thing I did was grab the keys. I was trying to keep Teddy and Benji in the car while I slipped out the door. Benji is notorious for running away and he is a fast little guy. So I am successfully accomplishing this when all of a sudden Lilly (the black & white dog) comes from the backseat, jumps onto the floor, runs under my legs and scrambles out the door. I pretty much threw the other 2 dogs into the passenger seat and jumped out of the car to give chase. She ran across the parking lot over to Wendy's. She went around and under several cars in the drive-thru, around the building, and across the parking lot on the other side. I finally caught her in the Shopko parking lot where they set up their garden center. I can only imagine what all the people who saw me during my mad dash were thinking.

When we got back to the car the other 2 dogs had successfully locked themselves in the car. Had I not been prompted to grab the keys I would have been standing in the Sam's Club parking lot holding Lilly until I could get some help. Wouldn't that have been fun? I think I may have experienced a small fraction of the terror a parent must feel when their child is doing something dangerous and they can do nothing to stop them.

I did successfully deliver the dogs to my Mom at home and headed back to work. As I was driving down main street I was following a truck with some long 2 x 12' boards on it. It moved into the other lane and right after doing so 2 of the boards slid backwards off of the truck. If he had been a few seconds slower in changing lanes they definitely would have hit me. Luckily no one was behind the truck at the time. I'm pretty sure I aged 10 years during my lunch hour today and didn't even succeed in getting anything to eat.


Natalie said...

Okay that story is seriously hilarious. Crazy dogs! I would have LOVED to see that one. Too bad you didn't have Garrett there to help you chase them around!

Britney said...

That was a laugh-out-loud story! I'm glad everyone made it home in one piece. Hilarious!

Emily M said...

Oh my gosh! I am laughing out loud!! Those crazy dogs! I would've LOVED to have seen you chasing after Lily- good thing you grabbed the keys!

Darin and BettyJo Noe said...

Good job on grabbing the keys, although I am laughing at your story, and sharing it with the girls at work, cuz they want to know what is so funny! But we have had a few of those dogs locked in the car stories, Darin never takes the keys with him. He actually talked Scotty through unlocking the door once when he was desperate. Good read, thanks for sharing Kami!