Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Still Believe!

I recently read Lisa Wingate’s new book, “Larkspur Cove.” I love her writing and eagerly await my turn on the library hold list to read her latest novel. I always take away something from what she has written.

In this last book she talks about how, “Building a life is a little like planning a road trip. You travel mile by mile, each depending on the last. It’s hard to end up where you planned to be if there are flaws in the map, and the more you look, the more you realize there have been gaps all along, and at this point you are hopelessly off the course you wanted/planned to be on.”

It’s logical at this point to ask now what? To throw your hands up into the air and yell, “Could this day get any worse! Could this week, this year, this…anything possibly get any worse?”

In my case the answer is YES! Yes it can and is probably going to, sooner rather than later so you may as well just expect it.

So the lesson I am taking from this book is that I have got to take my chances as they are. God gives what he gives, and only he knows why. If I am smart, and I believe I am relatively intelligent I will open the gift while it is on the table. Enjoy it. Be thankful for it. Live every minute of it while it’s happening. Even if it’s not the gift I want or expect. Stop looking ahead. Stop looking back. Stop. Look around.

I didn’t just end up here. I’ve been brought here. Even my, what feels like weary, tattered faith knows we are never given a challenge without also being given the means to conquer it. I still believe that.

I still believe!

It’s too easy to focus on all the things that have and are going wrong in my life, that sometimes I don’t see how truly blessed I am in my life. I feel I often miss the tender mercies.

Even when I’ve been in the deepest despair, when I thought I was lost in the darkness, I’ve never been alone. God is here, even when I can’t see Him, can’t hear His call, or feel his presence I know He is always by my side.

That is what gives me the strength to get up every morning and start a new day. I won’t lie, some days it is much easier than others. And some days I don’t make it up when I should, but I’m still trying and for me that is what counts. How well will I do with the lesson taught in this book only time will tell.


Charlotte said...

My goodness I look up to you.

Natalie said...

This was wonderful! I LOVE Lisa Wingate. She is one of my favorite authors and I'm thinking I need to request our library get a copy of that book. Thanks for sharing!!!

Michelle said...

Awesome! I love this. Thank you for sharing!