Sunday was Father's Day but we spent the day in Salt Lake and I didn't get to see my Dad. But I would like to take a few minutes if you will indulge me and let me tell you about two amazing guys in my life. One is my Dad and one will someday make a great Dad and I pray everyday that he gets that chance. Even though so far things aren't looking too promising in that department for us (we are trying that faith thing again).
Anyway things have been a little rough for me lately. My last day of work was almost a month ago. When I worked for the District Dad and I would car pool to work. I remember the day I found out they weren't renewing my contract and sitting in the Yeatte's convenience store parking lot and talking with Dad about it. I can't tell you one word he said other than he made me feel like I had given everything I had to give the last year or two and that everything was going to work out okay in the end, that this was obviously the way things were supposed to go for now, and that there is obviously a great opportunity out there for me. You have to understand that my Dad isn't know for saying the best thing at the right time. For example when he found out I was getting married he asked me if there was any particular reason I had picked the time he was in the worst financial situation of his life to do so. Needless to say wedding plans went real well after that. But that day he knew just what to say and has given me some amazing advice and counsel countless time since. He has been the biggest comfort to me the last couple of months. He has just really helped me through these latest challenges and made me feel like I am doing okay. I am sitting here sobbing as I type this and am not even sure why other than I love him so much.
Then that night Dad took us to Chuck-A-Rama to celebrate my last day of working for the School District. I remember when the waitress asked us if we were celebrating something we all just looked at each other and said no. How do you explain celebrating losing a job? So thank you for being such a strong support for me Dad. Words can't express how much you mean to me and I hope you were able to have a good Father's Day even though I wasn't there to share it with you. I will never forget the way you have taken Kyle into our family and made him feel loved and welcome. I know he loves you too and tries so hard to meet your approval. And you do so much for his self-esteem.
The other man in my life, Kyle has also been amazing and I hope he knows how much I appreciate him. After finding out they weren't renewing my contract, going to work each day until the end was awful. When things have been bad I climb on his lap or he climbs on the bed and he holds me while I cry and just loves me and tell me things are going to get better. He doesn't know when but someday they will and until then we will just have faith they are going to. Kyle has the sweetest spirit and has such a huge capacity for love. It amazes me how much he loves me and I know I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I'll take it. Things are getting better. His foot continues to improve both wound and infection wise. We were able to pay the bills this month and we are having faith that things will come together somehow for this coming month as well. In the mean time Kyle is in Salt Lake for a few days as I'm sick and there isn't much he can do for himself. Besides that we have had just a touch too much togetherness the past month. Our theory is that when you start snapping at each other it's time for a day or two apart. But we'll meet up again in a few days and continue our journey to happiness. Because as Elder Uchtdorf says it is our heritage you know.
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