It's hard to describe how I felt when Kyle came into the celestial room after going through the veil. I don't think I have the words. It was just a very special experience see him all dressed in white and know that in 2 weeks we will be sealed together forever.
Of course the big black cast on his foot did deter a little from the all white vision a little bit. Kyle has had a large open sore on the bottom of his foot that he got when we were in Bear Lake over the 4th of July and it hasn't healed up. On Friday his doctor put him in this big cast contraption to take the pressure off of the bottom of his foot in hopes that it will heal up. I'm really thinking an investment in a bubble might not be a bad idea.
Saturday afternoon Kyle's family had a shower for me. It was a lot of fun getting to meet some of Kyle's family I hadn't met before. As is usual for any event Kyle's family has there was a ton of delicious food. I bet I hate over a dozen of the butter cookies Kari made. They are my favorite. It was a lot of fun and I'm so grateful they went to the effort to have it for us.
I woke up sick on Sunday morning with a sinus infection. I was so cold and I couldn't get warm. I took a blanket and went out and sat in the car with the heater running on high. I think Kyle thought I had lost my mind when he pulled up. I'm really hoping that I make it through this wedding in one piece and am still sane when it's over.
1 comment:
I hadn't heard about the proposal--how fun! What a neat day. I'm sorry we weren't able to be there. We're looking forward to partying with you tonight!!!
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