Monday, June 8, 2009

Taking a Chance

My Mom and I had a conversation last week about taking a chance. I have met a great guy who I am dating. My Mom was telling me she didn't want to see me get hurt again. I told her that I certainly don't want to go through that again either. On the other hand I have learned something from every experience I have had so far in my life, be it good or bad. My philosophy is if I'm not willing to take a chance I might miss out on something completely wonderful. It would be easy to hide from life or run away when things get hard. I think it comes down to faith. I just have to believe that my Heavenly Father wouldn't bring me this wonderful man just to take him away from me before I am ready. So for now I am going to love with all I have and live every day to the fullest. I guess if I get hurt sometime down the road I will have great memories to hold on to until the next time I am ready to take a chance.


Charlotte said...

Good Luck Kami!

I'll be thinking of you, and hoping for you.

(great guys aren't as rare as we are sometimes tempted to think, eh?)

Darin and BettyJo Noe said...

I completely agree Kami! Don't ever give up on anything let alone love. No matter what happens, it is meant to be. I think that if it isn't worth taking a chance on, it isn't worth having! best of luck hun!

Natalie said...

I am so proud of you! I admit I have been worried about you getting hurt again, but then I have to remind myself that we all get our hearts broken and it's good for us--however awful it may be. A good man is definitely worth holding out for and taking a chance on! He seems awesome and worth the risk. Good luck!