Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not so Good News from the Doctor

So after 10 days of using the mouth wash stuff the thrush in my mouth is worse.  I now have lots of sores around my teeth to go with the yucky tongue.  Add that to the nausea, light headedness, earaches, sore throat, headache, body aches, fever, and chills and I'm feeling pretty much awesome.  I spent almost 2 hours at the health clinic today.  They put me on a strong antibiotic and took lots of vials of blood.  Depending on the results I will either slowly start feeling better or else I have c-diff and am going to end up in the hospital on IV's.  Isn't that special???  They also said that with having had Staff infection it will be a good 2 to 3 months before I feel completely normal again.  I really didn't want to hear any of this.

Can I tell you that I have the most awesome boss in the world.  His response to my last update was, "I am so, so sorry to hear this!  Please don't worry about anything here at work.  Just focus on getting whatever rest and treatment you need to get better, and we'll take care of things here.  We want you to be able to come back at 100 percent strength!"  Now how many of you can say that would be your bosses attitude about his new employee missing a few days of work?

The good new is some of my family is coming down for the weekend and my Mom can take care of me.  She doesn't know that's on her agenda yet, but I'm sure she'll be thrilled because she loves me.  Kyle wants to know what is wrong with the way he takes care of me.  I told him sometimes you just need your mom and he understood that.


Charlotte said...

Aww Kami. That just sucks. I have no cliche words for you or anything. I'm just sorry. It's so hard to have a positive attitude when you feel like garbage, and I'm impressed that you are able to recognize the blessings you have in your new boss, and your family.

Hang in there, won't you?

Michelle said...

Are you kidding me? That sounds awful!!! Oh my goodness. I hope having your mom just there can at least make you feel a little better. And how blessed you are to have such an understanding boss. I will be thinking of you and praying you get better.