Monday, January 10, 2011

What to Say

"I'm sure there is a light at the end of the tunnel."   "Money can't buy you happiness."   "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."   "Things are going to get better."   "How much worse can things get?"   "You do realize you are going to lose your job don't you?"   "Everyone has their cross to bear."   "Why don't you just get a divorce."   "It's always darkest before the dawn."   "Everything is going to work out."   "You've just got to think positively."

Just a few of the things I've heard lately or a variation of them.  Most of them over and over again.  I know the perople expressing the sentiments means well, but I have to tell you that they haven't been the least bit helpful so far.  The thing that I have learned from our experiences the last 18 months or so is that I have no idea what other people are going through or how they are feeling.  I don't have to look far to find someone else who is much worse off than me (but I definitely don't need someone to point that out to me.)  From this point on my response to someone in need will be, "I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. It must be really hard for you.  What can I do to help?"  And then actually help if I can.  There have been many people who have responded to me in just this way and it helps to know that someone else cares.  I wonder at what point is it that people just give up.  How many days do they have to wake up feeling hopeless?  How many bills have they opened that they have no hope of paying anytime soon?   How many problems have they had to face?  Don't worry I'm not ready to give up.  I still have hope and faith.  Hope that things are going to get better and I get that hope from all of you.  Faith that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and he will keep helping us through these challenges.  Thanks so much for the money, the gift cards, the hugs, and the love you give us.  Please don't stop loving us, don't stop caring.  We love you too.


KDSteck said...

What an amazing person you are! My brother is very lucky to have you and our family as well. You are a welcomed sister into the crazy Willis Women (as Darren refers to us as). You give me strength by how you have handled what you have gone through and you are absolutely correct when you say you don't need the pick up sayings... we don't know how rough it really has been. But we love you and will always be here for you and Kyle. Please ask for help :)

The Sagers said...

I love you Kami. What a great thought. I wish I would have responded to you that way. So let me try again. I love you and am so sorry you are going through this. What can I do to help you? And I mean that. Maybe a girls night out, my treat?