Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Carter - 4 Months Old

Carter is 4 months old. He weighs 14 pounds 12 ounces and is 26" long. He is getting way too big for my liking. I saw a newborn Thursday and I can't believe Carter was that small. He is so cute and his smile melts my heart. He puts his whole body into it wiggling and making cooing noises. His eye no longer runs, but now he slobbers constantly so I'm still constantly wiping his face off. He rolls onto his side but doesn't roll all the way over yet. It's not very often it happens, but he has a bit of a temper that comes out. I have to admit it makes me a little scared for what he may come up with as he gets older. Carter "talks" all the time. He loves when you repeat his noises back to him. It makes him smile. When he gets upset and ramps up his crying he makes a noise that sounds like a horse neighing. It always makes me smile when he does it.

We had lots of adventures this month. We went to the pumpkin patch and picked Carter's first pumpkin. The weather was nice and it was lots of fun. We went with Emily and her girls and I think they each came up with a perfect pumpkin for him. The patch is owned by my Dad's friend so we could get all the pumpkins we wanted and as a result we came home with the back of the van full. 

Carter got to go on his first UEA trip with the ladies and kids. Janalee had a doctor appointment in Salt Lake earlier in the week so we went early. We ended up spending a week in Park City at the condo we rented. Dad and Matt spent the first part of the week with us and then Karen, Marlee, Emily, Natalie and the kids came for the second part of the week. The place we rented was really nice. The leaves were turning and it was a beautiful time of year to be there.

The next week was the deer hunt. Marijka, Carter and I went up for dinner with the guys. Dad, Bruce, and Ron were there. Carter put on a good show and showed them his smiles. When we got there Dad and Ron were getting ready to go up the mountain in the Rhino. We put Carter in his snow suit and went with them. He sat between Dad and I and was perfectly content looking around. It was noisy and bumpy and he totally enjoyed it. He even fell asleep for a few minutes. 

Mom, Marlee, Marijka and I decided to dress up as witches for Halloween. I had planned to dress Carter up as Mickey Mouse but with this decision I had to of course dress him up as my black cat. We found a cute beanie with cat ears and a face on it. He looked adorable. With Tom as our escort we dressed up and went to Witchapalooza in Ogden the Saturday before Halloween. The weather cooperated and it was really warm. We had a fun time.


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