Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Marlee!!!

Today is my sister Marlee's birthday. Marlee is my best friend. She's the one I called the night my pregnancy test was positive and I went into panic mode. When the what was I thinking, I'm too old for this, etc. thoughts started running thru my head. She calmed me right down and reminded me this was a great thing and everything would be fine. I wouldn't have made it through the last few years without her love and support. She graduated from Utah State University last Saturday with her teaching degree in Special Education. She already has been offered a job. She is the new special education teacher at Sky View High School. I am so excited for her. On top of this great accomplishment she is marrying her sweetheart Tom on June 14th.

Things have not been easy for Marlee. In high school she became ill. She threw up everything she ate, and I mean everything. She missed a lot of school. They could not figure out what the problem was. They finally told her it was an emotional thing, but we weren't buying it. Finally once when she was really sick Mom put her in the car and drove her to Salt Lake to the emergency room at Primary Children's Hospital. It was eventually discovered she had a severe bowel blockage. After a stay there she was able to come home with the right medications and things got better. During this time she kept up with all her school stuff. When she finished she had a high enough GPA that she got a scholarship to Snow College.

College wasn't a great time for her. She and her best friend since 2nd grade, who basically lived with us for several years went their separate ways. College just wasn't a great experience for her. After a year and a half we were able to convince her to come back home.

She went back to school a few years ago and has worked so hard for her degree. I am so proud of her for overcoming everything she has and becoming the amazing woman she is. Marlee has a great sense of humor. The weekends she is in Idaho with Tom are very boring. I am not looking forward to her moving out after the wedding. I am going to miss having her around. I'm counting on the baby to bring her around frequently.

When Marlee was about 3 years old I came home and went into my bedroom to find her sitting on the floor surrounded by a mess. She had been pulling the tape out of all of my cassette tapes. She looked up at me and said, "It's not naughty, huh Kami." She always made it very hard to get mad at her. She use to put on one of our nightgowns, my Dad's cowboy boots, and sunglasses. She would get a mug and walk around to all of us, hold up the mug, and say, "Penny for the poor" and wait until you gave in. She tried the mug thing again recently and it didn't work nearly as well for her as it did when she was 4. 

Marlee has always believed she is a princess. I am so glad she found a great guy who treats her like one. Tom is a wonderful guy and we are so happy he is part of our family. I love Marlee so much. She is a great example for me. She has some big changes ahead of her and I know she is going to be awesome! 


Marlee Anderson said...

I wish I was as great as you make me sound! I love you. Thanks for being my sister and BFF!

Paula said...

This made me laugh out loud when remembering Marlee when she was little. She was such a character. She brought so much joy and happiness into our family and still does. I'm going to miss her so much. I had to sit Tom down this weekend and explain to him that we are going to have to see her and him a lot after they are married. He was a good sport about it and thought it could be arranged. We love Tom. He and Marlee are perfect for each other and are both so fun to be around. Marlee takes such great care of me. Thank you Marlee for all you do for me. I know you have many great adventures ahead of you! I'm proud of you!