Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Teaching Spirit

In light of the tragedy in NewTown, CT on Friday I've been giving a lot of thought to the women who gave their lives to protect their students.  For those who may not know I come from a family of educators. My Grandma taught 3rd Grade at Wellsville Elementary forever, her daughter Susan continued that tradition just retiring 1 1/2 years ago, followed by my sister Janalee who teaches there now.  Susan's daughter Natalie is a secondary teacher.  My Great Aunt Venice taught in Tremonton. Her daughter Kathy and son Scott following behind her to teach as well. Venice's grandson Rick, granddaughter Whitney, and great-granddaughter Brooke all following in their footsteps. My sister Marlee is currently in the Special Education program at USU.
When I imagine what went on in that school on Friday I think of my sister Janalee.  She is an amazing teacher, will be a great principal when she decides to make that change.  Someday she will be a wonderful mother.  I envy her patience and skills she has in dealing with the kids. When they tell the story of the teacher who hid her students and told the gunman they weren't there and lost her life for it, or the principal who tried to stop the gunman, I know that is something she would do without hesitation. She is just that caliber of person.  It takes a special type of person to be a teacher.  I'm proud that there are so many in my family who have the teaching spirit. The true love of watching a child learn.

Thank you to all educators for the sacrifices you make to provide a good learning environment for the nation's children. For practicing lockdowns, duck and cover, and other safety practices.



Nat said...

This was really sweet and I am so proud of the teaching spirit we have inside us. Thanks to Grandma Ila for starting it and to you for recognizing it. Love you! :)

Michelle said...

This totally made me tear up. It's great that so many in the family have kept the teaching tradition going. I have always had a high respect for all of my teachers because if this. I think it's true what you said about janalee, she has a heart of gold.