Sunday, August 19, 2012

Relay For Life

The Relay for Life was quite eventful this year. We started off with a major wind and rain storm. We were able to get the canopies lowered fast enough to escape major damage. We all huddled down and held them from blowing away.

Later that night Dad and I were pulling Gracie and Ella back to the trailer in the dark and the path dropped off and the wagon tipped over sending them both flying. They were covered in dirt and both obviously very upset. I couldn't tell how badly they were injured in the dark so we just scooped them up and headed for the trailer. I called Kyle and told him to get Emily over to the trailer ASAP. Once we got all the dirt off it turns out they were more scared than injured. Of course by that time the trailer was full of pretty much our whole team. I think Dad and I were as traumatized as they were. It was awful.
Despite all the drama we had a fun time raising money for the American Cancer Society. It is such a good cause and one that is close to my heart.
Today I found out my cousin Shane has stage 4 cancer in his stomach, appendix, and colon. It was so devestating to hear this. He is only in his early 40's and has so much to live for. It is such a helpless feeling to know you can't do anything about it other than pray.
Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer, but it seems that we all know someone who has personally battled this disease. In the last few months Tish Reynolds, Janet Hawkes, and Patty Jones have all lost their battle with this disease.
My family originally started participating after the Petersen's lost Vone and then Claude to cancer. Since that time my sister Janalee and best friend Britney have both become survivors of thyroid cancer and my Grandpa Farrell suffered from prostate cancer which contributed to his death. My friend Karen is a survivor and my friend Alayna is currently battling brain cancer and just had a 2nd tumor removed. Kyle's aunt Peggy and Grandma Willis were also victims of this horrible disease. Craig's brother Bruce is currently fighting against cancer. Unfortunately these are just a few of our friends and family who are winning or have lost the fight to this disease.

Miss Cache Valley pulled the girls around the track
and then let them all try on her crown.
Our team name stands for Anderson, Bunn, Comish, and Petersen.
The last names of our cancer survivors.

Dad relaxing while holding down the canopy.

The girls with Miss Cache Valley

Everyone got quite involved with the chicken dance.

Dad modeling the baby towel

Staying out of the rain.

Gracie with her treasures.

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