Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3rd Photo Challenge

Our life has been pretty boring lately. Other than Kyle being sick and miserable (he does not handle being sick well) there isn't much going on in our life. The last few days I have been organizing my computer files. Since 1993 we have taken a total of 28,772 digital pictures that are stored on my computer. I am going through and deleting the bad ones or ones that I will never do anything with and then I am going to tackle the job of scrapbooking them. Each picture has a story to go with it.

That got me thinking and this is what I came up with for my new blog post. Since today is the 3rd day of February I am challenging all you fellow bloggers to go into the computer folder where you store your pictures and open the 3rd file folder and select the 3rd picture and blog about it. I actually had to go into the 3rd file folder several times before I came to a picture. This is the one I came up with:

The Christmas of 2005 was the first Christmas we celebrated without Grandma Ila. She passed away in May of that year. Grandma would always pester us every year about performing something at the Christmas Eve party. So in memory of her I collected a bunch of large boxes and wrapped them up as gifts. All of us grandchildren used them to re-enact a performance we did at the party many years ago when we were all much younger. Everyone was a good sport and participated and it was fun. Unfortunately you can't see everyone who was on the back row in this picture. Brooklyn wouldn't wear her present so Brian being Brian he ended up with it on his head.

I think maybe tomorrow I will blog about the 4th picture in the 4th file folder. Who knows what I might come up with.

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