Saturday, November 14, 2009

Surgery Update

Kyle's surgery was yesterday morning. We had to be at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. and he was in the operating room shortly after 8:00 a.m. The surgery lasted about 2 hours which is the minimum time they told us. Kyle was awake within 45 minutes and hasn't been back to sleep yet. They gave him cold medicine with codeine, a sleeping pill, several lortab, and 2 zanax over the course of the night and he never fell asleep. Needless to say he is looking pretty worn out. I'm hoping once I get him home and he can get in his own bed with the dogs he will be able to get some rest.

Dr. Weiss was just in and said he was able to place the leads in a perfect position. Basically everything went great and looks good. We should be heading home here soon. Luckily the forcasted storm hasn't hit yet so maybe we will beat the snow. Thanks for all your love and concern.


Laura said...

Glad everything went well. Hopefully he can get some sleep so he can recover and beat that dang cold!

Natalie said...

Oh good! I'm glad it went so well. Hopefully he was able to get some rest today so you could also get some. (I swear being the caregiver is worse than being the patient!) Keep us posted!!!